New Biotechnology Program Opens
Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School
Credit: BVT -
Congratulations to the Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School (BVT) on the opening of its new Biotechnology Program, which was celebrated with a grand opening ribbon cutting on December 8th, 2021.
“While the biotech industry in Massachusetts continues to grow, so does the need for talented employees. With a history of providing students with in-demand skills through vocational training, the Blackstone Valley Vocational Regional School District officially commemorated the opening of its Biotechnology program with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Dec. 8.”
BTGA, in association with HMFH, revamped several outdated spaces to create the new biotech program with modern labs and classrooms. It is the mission of BVT to serve local students with specialized, career-oriented programs to enhance their high school learning experience, “providing students with in-demand skills through vocational training,” so the new biotechnology program was created with the idea of simulating a real-world workflow. HMFH, technical school experts, worked with BVT to program the new biotechnology learning pathway. Once the program elements were defined, BTGA designed a suite of spaces containing labs, a cleanroom, water filtration room, and glass and prep room that mimic what students would find in a biotechnology workplace environment. Laboratory grade finish materials and equipment complete the professional outfit, providing students with the most realistic experience. The Biotechnology Program is currently flourishing and continues to provide more opportunities for students.
“If ever there was a time to build a Biotechnology facility, it was during the height of the global pandemic where students are interested and have a desire to make a difference,” said Dr. Connors. “There is a community need, a student desire, and an apropos time if you will, and we’ve brought that all together, which is exciting.”
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