Forestdale Schoolhouse

The Forestdale Schoolhouse is a significant historic building worthy of preservation for the Forestdale Village community. Enough of its original character remains to make it a valuable teaching site with useful archival storage potential. BTGA assessed the 1877 historic building, and provided a feasibility study for future renovations and maintenance upgrades. The goal was to determine short and long term renovation needs to allow the Heritage Association to maintain the building, better utilize the space, and provide better access to patrons while keeping with historically accurate detailing and space planning. The feasibility report included an evaluation of existing conditions and recommendations for repair for stabilization of the building, maintenance upkeep, and potential long term upgrades including new bathrooms, storage space, and display areas. BTGA engaged Phoebe Bean, Archival Minds Consulting, to review the Heritage Association’s current collections with members of the Committee and provide recommendations for display, storage options, and placement that promoted preservation of their materials. BTGA researched various equipment options, including humidity control storage cabinets to better utilize basement spaces.



North Smithfield Heritage Assoc.


Forestdale, RI


